The only limitation is you

Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and know that you are the inspiration to what i do, and you can live the best life possible and be what you want to be in this life time.

Monday, July 19, 2010


I had the pleasure of hosting my older brothers best friend, who really is my brother too. I marveled at how we have all grown and matured over the years , as well as who we were, Then and who we are Now.

I had not seen him in 10years and yet when we chatted about life and experiences, it was as if we had all been together just yesterday and our lives were running parallel.

The one thing that we talked about, and that is true for everyone , no matter which part of the world you are in, is that there is real power in TRUTH.

Truth from the perspective of confronting who you were , in terms of the environment you grew up in, and who you are now based on what you know.

Making the necessary steps to fix any damaged relationships as well as being able to forgive yourself and others for past hurts.

Truth from the perspective of what have I have become, and what do I need to do to become a better person.

Truth from the perspective of, can you handle what people see you as , and can you smile at the positive affirmations and change the Negative observations and perceptions.

We laughed at how the truth will set you free, but BOY does it hurt , because you need to be CRUSHED! to grow, and what a pounding that can be.

The truth does set you free, no one tells how much it can hurt.
The truth can give you peace, but only if you apply it to your life and circumstances and are honest with yourself.
The truth can never go against its self , because it seeks to reveal what is hidden and enlighten those in darkness.


  1. Too true Miss Suz...
    The truth is liberating, after all is said and done (painful though it may be)it does allow you to move on with purpose and confidence..

  2. Thats true Tanya and no one can take anything away from you when you , are true to yourself.


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