Last night I went out with my work colleagues, and we went to watch some soccer on big screen. As I looked at each of my colleagues as we all chatted about various things. The obvious topics for the women was relationships, clothes, life lessons and lots of experience sharing.
The men had a good time dissecting each soccer move, obviously explaining how it can all be done better. One wonders why they were seated at the table and not on the soccer pitch.
Lets shift back to the more saner of conversations the womens side. We all exchanged various stories and one colleague shared how she had traveled to 40 countries , which we all thought was amazing. When we asked her what she got out of and learn't from those experiences.
I watched her face change and as she shared the different countries and the cultures with us, you can tell she had an amazing time which can only be best seen and not described.
She said she gained confidence from traveling around as well as the fundamental learning of, this truth , which is that no matter where you are in the world, we all have the same dreams , challenges and problems. We are after all part of the human race.She shared that she decided to do it! and I loved it!
Then one of my other colleagues , who was enthralled by what she heard and has always wanted to travel , said something that was awesome and she said it makes you think of what would you do if you were not AFRAID. It makes you wonder doesn't it?.
We had a great night and when the soccer was over , the restaurant we were in turned back into its original form , not a sport club but a Jazz club . As the smooth sounds of the live band playing the soothings sounds of jazz and the smooth sound of the vocalist pierced the air creating an atmosphere of calm in and around me . I realised that good friends, dreams and good conversation meant a lot. I could see the harbor and the silhouette of the lights on the water just outside and was at peace in my spirit .
The point is that little things mean a lot , sometimes we don't do things because we feel that they need to be done BIG!, so we don't try to go to a new place, within the surrounding areas because we want to see the WORLD. We don't go site seeing because we want to go to PARIS! and there is nothing wrong with that.
However what about the little things that you can do in your own country, the functions you can hold with friends , the ambiance of creativity that you can have hosting your own event as you prepare to conquer the world one day.
They say charity begins at home and Travel begins with your own country too.
Just a thought.............
This blog has been created to help you realise who you are and help keep you inspired and passionate about your life and your dreams. There will be words of wisdom guidance and tools that you can use to be more effective as a person and be a better human being. You as a human being are important and precious and are a part of the planet and the human race and we are all inter connected and need each other to soar so that others may soar!
The only limitation is you
Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and know that you are the inspiration to what i do, and you can live the best life possible and be what you want to be in this life time.
Its all about just doing it isnt it, making words into actions, well done in just doing it!