The only limitation is you

Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and know that you are the inspiration to what i do, and you can live the best life possible and be what you want to be in this life time.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I was just thinking the other day. Everyone wants to be financially blessed and they want their businesses to be blessed too. You want financial freedom to be the air you breath and poverty and lack , to relocate to another planet.

A lot of times people will say , I don't know why this is happening or its just not fair. I personally know about those statements. This morning as I was meditating on the Word of God something came to me.

As a Christian person or if you believe in something else, whatever your religion is there is a common thread that works , be you a Christian or not , and that it is living a life of INTEGRITY in all things, this will allow you to be blessed or you will get the portion of your ill works simple.

Ok this is what I am trying to explain. When you look at your own financial situation and its a mess, there a many factors that can lead to that. I just want to talk about one issue and that is INTEGRITY.

If someone has lent you money , and you promised to give it back and you go silent about the whole thing. What does that say about you ?. It does not matter if its your favorite cousin who lent you the money or your sibling EVEN your parents? what does that say about the person you have become?

I have had some interesting money situations in my own life where I have been 'screwed over' so to speak, but I will tell you this, I purposefully ensure that if something is given to me I give it back in the time frame I have agreed to no excuses.

My older sister who is also my best friend , can lend me money or vise versa and we give it back. I have had people say but WHY? Its called integrity. The reason I am harping on this is because , people sometimes who pray wonder why they are being blocked in term of financial blessings and it stems from your own lack of integrity not some evil force.

Even if you look at the principles that govern the world. Give and you will receive, why are Philanthropist wealthy they GIVE no science there. Why will people do business with other people its because of their good name and that they have integrity.

So here is the challenge:

If you know you have wronged someone and you know for SURE, ask for forgiveness.
If you have borrowed money from ANYONE (family,pastors,friends etc..) and you are suffering from self inflicted amnesia , SORT IT OUT, even if you start with an apology then make the steps to make it right.
It's great to want to be blessed and when they say 'charity begins at home' it also means sort YOURSELF out.

Don't allow yourself to be questioned in terms of your own integrity if you are Christian and then you know, what the word of God says about being a person of integrity .
If you have other faith beliefs then you can understand the principle of KARMA what goes around will surely come around.

Here is a life changing tip for you about money from me to you:

NEVER LEND MONEY YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO WRITE OFF!!!: Simply if someone want to 'borrow' R1000 and all you can can spare is R200 without weeping and gnashing your own teeth then give them that.

You will be happier and not bitter at all.


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