The only limitation is you

Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and know that you are the inspiration to what i do, and you can live the best life possible and be what you want to be in this life time.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I had something interesting happen to me this week when I had a chance encounter with someone , that left me thinking. I personally don't believe in happenstance but I believe that everything is working together its either for you good or your demise.

I realised that when we meet people we have the opportunity to, yes of course laugh and judge their situation or be a part of a solution that they may not see.

I know this for sure, we really are all responsible for each other and I don't mean to pay bills etc... but wait a minute when you sponsor a child you are paying a bill. When you add you own advise on a chat room where someone needs help you are being part of the solution to the problem. When you feel for someone when something happens to them, you are sharing in the pain so they are not alone.

When you share your experiences you are helping someone not to fall in the same holes you have .
Thats yours and my contribution to the world and the universe. You know in nature nothing is ever wasted if the tree is alive it provides shelter and fruit if it can, if its leaves fall and decompose they add nutrients to the soil.

We are all meant to work together and really if you think about it look after each other at each junction of life that we meet.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I woke the other day and was faced with some really simple life long questions that have been asked a million times.

What am I doing with my time ? Most importantly how do I fill up my time, and so as I left my place I simply heard a still voice say the following , Suzgo you know you are never doing to get yesterday back or last night this is how you should portion your day.

And ask yourself these questions:

1. What did you do today to build your spirit man?
2. What did you do to nourish and keep your body healthy?
3. What did you do to stimulate your mind?
4. What did you do for someone else today?
5. What have you learnt about yourself today?
6. How productive where you in your place of work or business?
7. How many time did you laugh today?

Just a thought I figured I should share

Have a great week!

Friday, June 3, 2011


There are times when Life lives you and when it seems that everything seems to be going well for everyone else except you. The wheels of life seem to be sending out some really blissful vibes of peace and tranquility to everyone except you and you feel really stuck, not sure if when you were born this was the original intent for your life and your destiny.

In the midst of all the madness what is one meant to do, when you are not feeling motivated to do anything. I can tell you this from experience you need to stop and find your resting place. You don't need a fancy trip, therapy you just need to STOP for a moment and be still.

Literally find a place where you can be quiet, still and in silence, just so that you can hear the sound of your own breath and stop the rattling in your brain and block out the noises that this world has to offer. So that you can hear inspiration and Life that has been waiting for you to be still so that it can embrace you and remind you of who you are .

If you are like me its a chance to be able to hear the great I AM the Healer of my soul and the Director of the Orchestra of my life and mind ,The one I call God, who shows me what I should do and reminds me of who I am.

Find that resting place that you can enjoy while you are alive and here. Find that resting place that can be rejuvenated are are able live an effective life.

Find that resting place because you need it and deserve it and the world needs a more balanced you , to be able to effect change in your sphere and circle of influence.

Find your resting place.................

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Mothers day means so many things to so many different people. For some its another day to not FORGET to call mom and say happy mothers day. Some people its just another day as they may not know what it means to have the love of a biological mother , for some that may not know their birth mothers its a time to honor the only version of mother they know.

To some like me its a time of remembrance of the person they once called mother, the woman that helped shape who they are and what they have become.

Its a time of mixed emotions , remembering the love and guidance given but also mourning the loss of not being able to, hear her speak, smell her fragrance, call her and tell her what kind of a day you are having, who you fell in love with and who broke your heart.

The loss of not having that advise given when times are dark and friends seem few , especially when there is no one to cheer you on, thats what happens at this time of year.

However this is not meant to depress you because , I relish in all that I was taught and what she shared with me . This is to REMIND you all, not to take things for granted and what these women in your lives represent.

You get one copy of them that will cheer you on, believe in you , pray for you for you, give you advise ,love you , and want you to be the best and have the best that life has to offer. You get one shot to tell them that you love them EVEN when its out of your comfort zone, whats the worst that can happen? Here is a script for you if you are not the articulate type:

Hi Mom

I just wanted you to know that I love you and appreciate everything that you have done for me and all the sacrifices you have made for me known and unknown. I want you to know that I really appreciate you and am proud to call you mom and thank-you for always being there for me.

See that didn't hurt when you read it, so please be that one individual that actually reads this and DOES!!! something so that you never find yourself in that place where you are like if only I had..............

Keep smiling

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I am amazed, very simply at how the minds of individuals function, and how they perceive things, process information shared and what their world view is. However what is even more mind boggling is how my own mind functions, and how I constantly find myself walking through various corridors and looking through vast windows and cracks filled with all sorts of memories and experiences.

Some happy and some not so pleasant. Some rooms , I choose to rest as I walk through bring me to a toothy grin , some a warm feeling and then there are some places that , make me sad and some places are so dark , I am amazed at how I made it through. I am constantly processing different things in my life which are being filtered through my frame of reference of life , thus creating and shaping my current thoughts.

The most powerful thing that I find I can do is stand back in the midst of the chaos that runs through my mind, is to focus my attention on what centers me and my life and that is my faith and trust in God and the various people I have allowed into my inner circle, who speak not what I want to hear but what I have to hear.

The question is what flows through your mind and in the vast corridors of space ,memories , experiences and fuzzy thoughts of doors that you keep closed and are dusty with old memories residue and past experiences , what do you allow to flow through your mind to refresh you to be a better person and keep you sane so that you can be effective?

Just a thought...........

Monday, March 28, 2011


Its a new year and yea! I know its a little late to start on the HAPPY NEW YEAR but you know what? , Why not HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!..At this stage I will assume that the new-years resolutions are in ICU and casualty depending on how much has been knocked off.

We all know how that is , but I want to say something. As I was procrastination on doing my blogs and just wondering where am I going.

I realised that I have evolved so much in the last few months , and that even if I have not achieved what I wanted to so far in the year 2011 .

I am able to START AGAIN DAILY and that in itself is so refreshing. It means that whatever, I did not do or failed to achieve yesterday , cannot hold me at ransom , while fear and feelings of failure may try and overcome me, because the promise of a Crisp ,Fresh, Sweet day awaits me tomorrow.

The promise of a new canvas of a day so that when I wake up ,and embrace what the day has in store for me, hence why the day is called the 'PRESENT' cause when you unwrap the day and allow yourself to see beyond what you know it is truly a Gift!