I had something interesting happen to me this week when I had a chance encounter with someone , that left me thinking. I personally don't believe in happenstance but I believe that everything is working together its either for you good or your demise.
I realised that when we meet people we have the opportunity to, yes of course laugh and judge their situation or be a part of a solution that they may not see.
I know this for sure, we really are all responsible for each other and I don't mean to pay bills etc... but wait a minute when you sponsor a child you are paying a bill. When you add you own advise on a chat room where someone needs help you are being part of the solution to the problem. When you feel for someone when something happens to them, you are sharing in the pain so they are not alone.
When you share your experiences you are helping someone not to fall in the same holes you have .
Thats yours and my contribution to the world and the universe. You know in nature nothing is ever wasted if the tree is alive it provides shelter and fruit if it can, if its leaves fall and decompose they add nutrients to the soil.
We are all meant to work together and really if you think about it look after each other at each junction of life that we meet.