Its a new year and yea! I know its a little late to start on the HAPPY NEW YEAR but you know what? , Why not HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!..At this stage I will assume that the new-years resolutions are in ICU and casualty depending on how much has been knocked off.
We all know how that is , but I want to say something. As I was procrastination on doing my blogs and just wondering where am I going.
I realised that I have evolved so much in the last few months , and that even if I have not achieved what I wanted to so far in the year 2011 .
I am able to START AGAIN DAILY and that in itself is so refreshing. It means that whatever, I did not do or failed to achieve yesterday , cannot hold me at ransom , while fear and feelings of failure may try and overcome me, because the promise of a Crisp ,Fresh, Sweet day awaits me tomorrow.
The promise of a new canvas of a day so that when I wake up ,and embrace what the day has in store for me, hence why the day is called the 'PRESENT' cause when you unwrap the day and allow yourself to see beyond what you know it is truly a Gift!
Hey Masuzgo. My name is Glenn and (if you are the right person), you are my step aunt through Victor and Nelly. I have been looking for them and you for a long time now. Please contact me at glennmulenga@rogers.com