I am amazed, very simply at how the minds of individuals function, and how they perceive things, process information shared and what their world view is. However what is even more mind boggling is how my own mind functions, and how I constantly find myself walking through various corridors and looking through vast windows and cracks filled with all sorts of memories and experiences.
Some happy and some not so pleasant. Some rooms , I choose to rest as I walk through bring me to a toothy grin , some a warm feeling and then there are some places that , make me sad and some places are so dark , I am amazed at how I made it through. I am constantly processing different things in my life which are being filtered through my frame of reference of life , thus creating and shaping my current thoughts.
The most powerful thing that I find I can do is stand back in the midst of the chaos that runs through my mind, is to focus my attention on what centers me and my life and that is my faith and trust in God and the various people I have allowed into my inner circle, who speak not what I want to hear but what I have to hear.
The question is what flows through your mind and in the vast corridors of space ,memories , experiences and fuzzy thoughts of doors that you keep closed and are dusty with old memories residue and past experiences , what do you allow to flow through your mind to refresh you to be a better person and keep you sane so that you can be effective?
Just a thought...........